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Type: Combat Spell
MP Cost: 24

This spell will call forth a tremendous geyser of Sauce from the ground at your enemy's feet. Few foes can withstand the savage combination of beating and drowning that this spell delivers.

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 12,500 Meat
Class: Sauceror
Level: 11
Effect: Deals (60-70)+(0.4*Mys) damage, where Mys is your buffed Mysticality (which isn't ever capped), and divisions are rounded down.
When Used:
You summon a geyser of piping hot <hot sauce>, which erupts from the ground beneath your opponent, scorching it for X damage.
You conjure a burst of frigid <cold sauce> from the ground beneath your opponent, chilling it for X damage.


  • This spell will deal hot or cold damage, depending on which of those elements would deal more damage to your opponent.
  • Against opponents that count as multiple opponents (see Group Monsters), the spell hits up to 3 opponents, doubling or tripling the damage.
  • Having a gabardine garibaldi equipped increases the damage by 35% to 50%.


  • Originally this spell cost 40 MP to cast. During the Unexplained Tremors event, the spell underwent a series of MP cost reductions.
    • On July 23rd, 2009 the MP cost was changed to 36 MP.
    • On July 28th, 2009, the MP cost further reduced to 32 MP.
    • On August 4th, 2009, the MP cost was changed to 28 MP.
  • Prior to the Pastamancer/Sauceror dual-revamp on November 14, 2013, this skill had a damage formula of (35-45)+(0.35*Mys), a MP cost of 28, and its element was randomly chosen between hot or cold instead of auto-tuning. It originally had the use messages:
You summon a Geyser of (hot or cold) <Mustard>, which erupts beneath your opponent for X damage.
You summon a geyser of (hot or cold) <Mustard>, which erupts beneath both of them, dealing X damage.
You summon a geyser of (hot or cold) <Mustard>, which erupts beneath all three of them, dealing X damage.
You summon a geyser of (hot or cold) <Mustard>, which erupts beneath three of them, dealing X damage.