sangria del diablo
This is a delicious cocktail made of sangria, with a little extra kick. When you drink this, you might not be runnin' with the devil, but at least you'll be drinkin' with him.
Type: booze (awesome) Potency: 6 Level required: 6 Cannot be discarded (In-game plural: sangrias del diablo) | |
When Consumed
You drink the sangria del diablo. Transubstantastic!
You gain 6 Drunkenness.
- " might not be runnin' with the devil..." refers to the popular Van Halen song "Runnin' with The Devil" from their debut album.
- "Transubstantastic!" is a reference to transubstantiation. "Sangria del diablo" in Spanish roughly translates to "blood of the devil," and transubstantiation is where communion bread and wine transform themselves into the body and blood of Christ. Transubstantiation is a central element of the Roman Catholic celebration of the Eucharist.
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