Salacious screwdiver

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salacious screwdiver
salacious screwdiver

A regular screwdiver is already saltier than a bowl full of salt, and this is a screwdiver rimmed with seaode salt, which is even saltier than that. Just looking at it makes your blood pressure jump a few ticks.

Type: booze (good)
Potency: 4
Level required: 8
Selling Price: 215 Meat.

(In-game plural: salacious screwdivers)
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Item number: 3769
Description ID: 614659845
View in-game: view
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Shaker.gif slug of vodka sea tangelo  
Saltshaker.gif screwdiver seaode
Equals.gif salacious screwdiver

When Consumed

You drink the salacious screwdiver. The overall effect is, oddly enough, salubrious.
AdventuresYou gain 10-14 Adventures.
You gain 64-113 Fortitude.
Liver.gifYou acquire an effect: Brined Liver
(duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 4 Drunkenness.


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