Salacious Cocktailcrafting

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Salacious Cocktailcrafting

Salacious Cocktailcrafting

Type: Passive
MP Cost: N/A

Owing to your mad mixological skills, you're able to craft delightfully lurid cocktails with incredibly salty rims. Like, seriously, check out these rims.

Lets you make salacious cocktails

Source: Ode to the Sea
Price: N/A
Class: Disco Bandit
Level: N/A
Effect: Allows you to use seaodes in cocktailcrafting.

Basic Recipes

These drinks are made from slugs of liquor that can be collected within The Dive Bar. They can be combined with the sea fruits in order to make up basic cocktails. These cocktails can be further garnished with seaodes in order to create stronger drinks.

All three of these mixed drinks will give 20 turns of Brined Liver. Garnishing them will grant an additional 10, for a total of 30 turns.

Complete Recipe Guide

Slug of
3 Drunk
3 Adv
0 Stat
Shaker.gif Mixer Equals.gif Mixed Drink
3 Drunk
5-6 Adv
? Stat
Saltshaker.gif Garnish Equals.gif Garnished Drink
4 Drunk
10-14 Adv
? Stat
vodka   sea tangelo   screwdiver
  seaode   salacious screwdiver
rum sea honeydew dew yoana lei
seaode dew yoana salacious lei
shochu sea lychee lychee chuhai
seaode salacious lychee chuhai
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