Safety vest

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safety vest
safety vest

If you have a vested interest in safety, you can wear this vest. If you want to. You can leave your friends behind. Actually, the annoying blaze-orangeness of this thing will probably take care of your friend problem before you even get the chance to leave them behind.

Type: shirt
Power: 70
Muscle Required: 20
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

Damage Reduction: 3
Moxie +5

(In-game plural: safety vests)
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Item number: 2122
Description ID: 663313804
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Itznotyerzitz Mine
More Locker Than Morlock
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Itznotyerzitz Mine
Right in the Vestibule!



  • This item is a high-visibility vest in the color safety orange. Safety orange vests are most commonly worn by construction workers and, to a lesser degree, hunters. Safety orange is sometimes referred to as blaze orange or I'm-not-a-deer orange and is used because of its contrast with other colors.
  • The description is a reference to the song The Safety Dance, by Men Without Hats, containing the lyrics "We can dance if we want to / We can leave your friends behind".

See Also


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