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Monster ID 1624
Locations The Roman Forum
Hit Points 75% of Defense
Attack Player's Moxie+3, min 10
Defense Player's Muscle+3, min 10
Initiative 30
Meat 8-12
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso
salt wages, Roman sadnals
Manuel crident
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Sadiator You're fighting Crapulous Augustus the Sadiator

This guy is far from a gladiator. He looks pretty solidly bummed out about the whole business. Who knows: maybe the emperor killed his wife and son and forced him to fight to the death in the arena, or maybe he just found out he didn't get that lucrative sandal endorsement he thought he was getting. Hard to tell. If you ask him, he'll probably just pummel you senseless. Although, y'know, he was probably going to do that anyway.

Hit Message(s):

He puts his head on your shoulder and cries, then wipes his nose on you. Ugh! Ouch! Ugh! (sleaze damage)

He blows his nose into a handkerchief, then wipes it on you. Euch. Ow! Eek! Ugh! (sleaze damage)

His frown is almost comedically wide as he kicks you in the <elbow>. Ow! Ooh! Ow!

He chokes back a sob as he chokes you. Oof! Oof! Oof!

He sniffles back tears and headbutts you in the throat. Ouch! Eek! Ow!

His tears mingle with your blood as he stabs you in the <elbow>. Eek! Ouch! Oof!

Critical Hit Message:

Tears splash on the sand as he joylessly bashes your <arm> in with his shield, pokes you with his sword, and trips you with his dragnet. The fact that he's not enjoying himself doesn't make you feel any better, really. Eek! Oof! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

He's too busy frowning and sniffling to attack this round.

His tears cloud his vision so much that he fails to stab you in the <kidney>.

He tries to headbutt you, but his vision is clouded by tears and he misses.

He chokes back a sob instead of choking you.

He puts his head on your shoulder and cries. You awkwardly say, "there, there."

He blows his nose on a handkerchief, then tries to wipe it on you, but you dodge.

Fumble Message:

He stops and drops to his knees, burying his head in his hands, sobs shaking his shoulders. Turns out the tears of a sadiator are even sadder than the tears of a clown. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Meat.gifYou gain Meat.
Sadnals.gifYou acquire an item: Roman sadnals (2% chance)*
Disease.gifYou acquire an item: salt wages (10% chance)*

Occurs at The Roman Forum.