Rough fish scale

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rough fish scale
rough fish scale

Like a gorilla at a sockhop, this scale is pretty thick, and not particularly smooth.

Selling Price: 120 Meat.

(In-game plural: rough fish scales)
View metadata
Item number: 3487
Description ID: 912006135
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Anemone Mine
Killer clownfish
Madness Reef
magic dragonfish
Heavily Invested in Pun Futures
The Economist of Scales (in exchange for 10 dull fish scales)
The Dive Bar
lounge lizardfish
The Marinara Trench
The Caliginous Abyss
school of many
rockfish stomach (0-2)
Fishcake (0-1)
Beach Comb / driftwood beach comb
Comb the Beach (rarely)



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