Rose-colored glasses
From TheKolWiki
This is a pair of glasses that will make everything look just fine, man. Juuuuuust fine. (In-game plural: pairs of rose-colored glasses) |
Obtained From
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- A Suspicious-Looking Guy
- Obtainable only during The Gray Plague.
- Formerly obtainable from A Suspicious-Looking Guy.
- Introduced into the Kingdom on October 17, 2005.
- When equipped, it caused your own text in chat to appear black, even if it appeared gray to other players due to being infected with The Gray Plague.
- The fact that it only makes your own text look better, whilst it remains the same to other players, is probably a reference to the phrase "Seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses." This phrase means that one is only looking at the pleasant side of things, and ignoring the unpleasant.
See Also
"1315" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.
The Gray Plague - edit | |
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