Roll in the hay

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roll in the hay
roll in the hay

This is a drink made of whiskey, soda water, a tiny umbrella, and a name designed to make you blush.

Type: booze (good)
Potency: 4
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 115 Meat.

(In-game plural: rolls in the hay)
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Item number: 679
Description ID: 905047062
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Obtained From

The Typical Tavern (pre quest)
The Cask at Hand
Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
The League of Chef-Magi
Gorgonzola, the Chief Chef (0-3) (Sauceror only)


Shaker.gif soda water bottle of whiskey  
Discomask.gif whiskey and soda little paper umbrella
Equals.gif roll in the hay

When Consumed

You drink the fruity girl drink.
AdventuresYou gain 10-14 Adventures.
You gain 34-36 Enchantedness.
You gain 4 Drunkenness.


  • As with most other advanced cocktails, the name is an euphemism for sex.


Slash.gif a little sump'm sump'm | calle de miel | ducha de oro | fuzzbump | horizontal tango | ocean motion | perpendicular hula | pink pony | rockin' wagon | roll in the hay | slap and tickle | slip 'n' slide


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