Ring of cold resistance

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ring of cold resistance
ring of cold resistance

This is a ring made of an alloy of tin and echinacea, which magically boosts your resistance against the common cold. As an unintentional side effect, it also protects you from low temperatures.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 25
Selling Price: 90 Meat.

So-So Cold Resistance (+2)

(In-game plural: rings of cold resistance)
View metadata
Item number: 1296
Description ID: 919058112
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

dead mimic (conditionally, with wand in inventory or less than 3 days after the last wand exploded)


  • This item can also be obtained by zapping a ring of aggravate monster or another Dungeons of Doom ring. This was the only way to obtain the ring before April 16, 2008.

See Also


Slash.gif ring of adornment | ring of aggravate monster | ring of cold resistance | ring of conflict | ring of fire resistance | ring of gain strength | ring of increase damage | ring of teleportation


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