Review recent events

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You can review recent events from the read messages page. This will show you information about contacts who have logged in or out during the last day, and information about buffs and messages received during the (approximately) last 72 hours.

Example messages:

  • MM/DD/YY 07:36:20 AM - New message received from Subject 37.
  • MM/DD/YY 08:39:37 PM - New message received from wadbot.
  • MM/DD/YY 09:49:04 AM - Testudinata has played a song (The Ode to Booze) for you.
  • MM/DD/YY 02:10:32 PM - It felt like someone jabbed you with a pin, but when you looked around, you didn't see anyone. This, naturally, has made you a little jumpy.
  • MM/DD/YY 03:02:55 PM - <Clan Member> challenged you to a game of pool, but you won and retained control of the table.

There is no distinction made between gift boxes and regular messages.