Reinforced furry underpants

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Though the item on this page is marked as a meatsmithing ingredient, it does not currently have any recipes associated with it.

reinforced furry underpants
reinforced furry underpants

This is a pair of furry underpants with a skeletal tortoise sewn into them to provide extra protection for your junk. Y'know, the random stuff you keep in the pockets of your underpants.

(Meatsmithing component)
Type: accessory
Selling Price: 35 Meat.

Mysticality +2
+2 Sleaze Damage

(In-game plural: pairs of reinforced furry underpants)
View metadata
Item number: 2257
Description ID: 415591001
View in-game: view
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Hatpants.gif bar skin skeletortoise
Equals.gif reinforced furry underpants


  • Like the skeletortoise this is made from, this is a reference to He-Man, who wore a garment very much like this.

See Also


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