Red box

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red box
red box

Some red boxes contain an extremely limited selection of movies that haven't hit Netflix yet, but this one contains gear for the Red Army troops.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: red boxes)
View metadata
Item number: 7228
Description ID: 383471423
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Red Zeppelin
man with the red buttons
red butler
Red Herring
red skeleton
Red Snapper

When Used

You open the box and dump out the Red Army supplies.
Acquire 3 of the following:
Redbadge.gifYou acquire an item: red badge (5% chance)*
Book4.gifYou acquire an item: red book (5% chance)*
Redcoat.gifYou acquire an item: red coat (5% chance)*
Redpoker.gifYou acquire an item: red-hot poker (1% chance)*
Redletter.gifYou acquire an item: red letter (15% chance)*
Redmask.gifYou acquire an item: red masque (5% chance)*
Wine.gifYou acquire an item: red red wine (20% chance)*
Bottle.gifYou acquire an item: red rum (15% chance)*
Btee.gifYou acquire an item: red shirt (4% chance)*
Redshoe.gifYou acquire an item: red shoe (5% chance)*
Blackcake.gifYou acquire an item: red velvet cake (15% chance)*
Redshield.gifYou acquire an item: Red X Shield (5% chance)*


  • You will get 3 items from the list, duplicates possible.


  • Redbox is a company that rents DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, and video games via automated retail kiosks.


"7228" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.