Red Roger's reliquary

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Red Roger's reliquary
Red Roger's reliquary

This opaque plastic bag contains one of the relics (which is to say body parts) of old Red Roger.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 42 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: Red Roger's reliquaries)
View metadata
Item number: 10217
Description ID: 722664376
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Red Roger

When Used

Pr relicbag.gif
You open the reliquary, delighted to see what kind of old plastic toy bits it contains!
Pr rightfoot.gifYou acquire an item: Red Roger's red right foot
Pr leftfoot.gifYou acquire an item: Red Roger's red left foot
Pr righthand.gifYou acquire an item: Red Roger's red right hand
Pr lefthand.gifYou acquire an item: Red Roger's red left hand


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