Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J.

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Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J.
Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J.

Less of a recipe and more of a revelation about vegetables and heat.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

(In-game plural: Recipes of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J.)
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Item number: 10981
Description ID: 782778295
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Dropped after combat by a Cookbookbat (up to once per day)

When Used

Bbat recipe.gif
Vegetables + Heat = Delicious, who knew!

You learn to craft a new item: roasted vegetable of Jarlsberg.

If you have already learned this recipe:

Bbat recipe.gif
You already know how to craft that item!



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