There are many types of recipes in the Kingdom.
How to Read A Recipe
A Basic Recipe
Here is an example of a simple recipe that can be completed early in the game:
Harold's hammer head | Harold's hammer handle | |
Harold's hammer |
Each row in the recipe is started with a symbol, showing how to process the specified ingredients. In the above recipe, the first symbol is a picture of meat paste which means this is a combining recipe. The equals sign on the next row shows the final product. The above recipe should be read as follows: Combining Harold's hammer head (with a meat paste) with Harold's hammer handle yields Harold's hammer.
Nested Recipes
Here is an example of a nested or multi-tiered recipe. It shows multiple recipes in one (hopefully) easy to read chart.
soda water | bottle of vodka | ||
tonic water | bottle of Definit | ||
vodka and tonic | little paper umbrella | ||
yellow brick road |
Each row shows a different sub-recipe of the whole recipe. The above recipe can be read from the bottom, up, as follows. The bottom two rows can be read as: Cocktailcrafting (with Advanced Cocktailcrafting) a vodka and tonic with a little paper umbrella yields a yellow brick road. The middle two rows shown another precedent recipe, which is read as follows: Cocktailcrafting (with Superhuman Cocktailcrafting) tonic water with a bottle of Definit yields a vodka and tonic. The tops two rows shows two recipes. The first: Improving soda water at Nash Crosby's Still yields tonic water. And the second: Improving a bottle of vodka at Nash Crosby's Still yields a bottle of Definit.
Reading the top cell in each column will give a complete "shopping list" for the recipe, or every item needed to complete the recipe once from scratch. For example, to make a yellow brick road from scratch, one would need one soda water, one bottle of vodka, and one little paper umbrella.
Reading all of the left-most cells shows what skills one would need to make a recipe from scratch. For example, to make a yellow brick road from scratch, one would need the proper cocktailcrafting equipment, Superhuman Cocktailcrafting (for crafting a vodka and tonic), access to Nash Crosby's Still (by being a Disco Bandit or Accordion Thief), and Advanced Cocktailcrafting to craft the final step.
For information on more recipe symbol, see the section below.
Recipe Symbols
As of September 24th, 2008, all cocktailcrafting, cooking, meatpasting, meatsmithing, and jewelrymaking recipes are automatically saved in the Discoveries section of your crafting menu when they are created (with 2 exceptions). Recipes for items that are disassembled by The Untinker are also saved in the Discoveries section (with one exception).
Symbol | Meaning | Explanation |
Equals | Delimits the result of a recipe, i.e., what it yields. | |
CocktailCrafting Symbols | ||
Cocktailcrafting | Is a cocktailcrafting recipe that can be made by anyone, provided they have a cocktailcrafting kit, bartender-in-the-box, or clockwork bartender-in-the-box. | |
Advanced Cocktailcrafting | Is a cocktailcrafting recipe, but requires the Disco Bandit skill Advanced Cocktailcrafting to craft. | |
Superhuman Cocktailcrafting | Is a cocktailcrafting recipe but requires the Disco Bandit skill Superhuman Cocktailcrafting to craft. | |
Salacious Cocktailcrafting | Is a cocktailcrafting recipe but requires Salacious Cocktailcrafting to mix. | |
Nash Crosby's Still | Is a recipe that requires one or more ingredients to be "improved" at Nash Crosby's Still, which can only be accessed by a member of a moxie class having the Superhuman Cocktailcrafting skill. | |
Cooking Symbols | ||
Cooking | Is a cooking recipe that anyone can make, provided they have an E-Z Cook Oven™, a chef-in-the-box, or a clockwork chef-in-the-box. | |
Pastamastery | Is a cooking recipe, but requires the Pastamancer skill Pastamastery to prepare. | |
Advanced Saucecrafting | Is a cooking recipe but requires the Sauceror skill Advanced Saucecrafting to prepare because the recipe involves scrumptious reagents. | |
The Way of Sauce | Is a cooking recipe but requires the Sauceror skill The Way of Sauce to prepare because the recipe involves scrumdiddlyumptious solutions. | |
The Wok of Ages | Is a recipe that requires one or more ingredients to be "kicked up a notch" at The Wok of Ages, which can only be accessed by a member of a mysticality class having the Pastamancer skill Transcendental Noodlecraft. | |
Deep Saucery | Is a cooking recipe but requires the Sauceror skill Deep Saucery to prepare because the recipe involves globes of Deep Sauce. | |
Tempuramancy | Is a cooking recipe, but requires the special Pastamancer skill Tempuramancy to prepare because the recipe involves blobs of bubbling tempura batter. | |
Meatsmithing Symbols | ||
Meatsmithing | Is a meatsmithing recipe that anyone can make, provided they have a tenderizing hammer and/or access to Innabox. | |
Armorcraftiness | Is a meatsmithing recipe that requires the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness and a tenderizing hammer. These recipes are usually for helmets, pants, and bucklers. | |
Super-Advanced Meatsmithing | Is a meatsmithing recipe that requires the Seal Clubber skill Super-Advanced Meatsmithing and a tenderizing hammer. These recipes are usually for weapons, including whips. | |
Grimacite smithing | Is a meatsmithing recipe that requires a depleted Grimacite hammer and having read the plans for certain Grimacite items. | |
Crimbo-Smithing Symbols | ||
Assimilating | Is a assimilating recipe, which anyone can do if they have access to Uncle Crimborg's Hive during the 2006 season of Crimboween. | |
Crimborg Toymaking | Is a Crimborg Toymaking recipe, which anyone can do if they have access to Uncle Crimbo's Mobile Home during the 2007 season of Crimbo. | |
Spooky Toymaking | Is a Spooky Toymaking recipe, which anyone can do if they have access to Linnea's Monster Truck during the 2006 season of Crimboween. | |
Toolmaking | Is a toolmaking recipe, which anyone can do if they have access to the Simple Tool-Making Cave during the 2006 season of Crimboween. | |
Toymaking | Is a toymaking recipe, which anyone can do if they have access to Uncle Crimbo's Mobile Home during the 2005 season of Crimbo. | |
Miscellaneous Symbols | ||
Adding | Is a recipe which can only be completed by using its ingredients in combat versus a rampaging adding machine in The Valley of Rof L'm Fao. | |
BRICKO | Is a recipe which anyone can do by multi-using BRICKO bricks. | |
Jewelrycrafting | Is a jewelrymaking recipe that anyone can make if they have a pair of jewelry-making pliers from Little Canadia Jewelers. | |
Junk Magazine Crafting | Is a recipe that anyone can make if they have a copy of Worse Homes and Gardens from the junksprites in The Old Landfill. | |
Meat Pasting (Combining) | Is a combining recipe that anyone can make, provided they have at least one meat paste in their inventory and/or access to The Plunger. | |
The Malus of Forethought | Is a recipe that requires powders, wads, or nuggets to be smashed together at The Malus of Forethought, which can only be accessed by a member of a muscle class having the Seal Clubber skill Pulverize. | |
Mushroom Breeding | Is a mushroom breeding recipe, in which mushrooms are crossbred. This can be done by anyone who chose a Mongoose, Wallaby, or Vole moon sign for this ascension, but requires buying a plot in the Mushroom Fields. | |
Pixelcrafting | Is a pixel recipe that anyone can make at The Crackpot Mystic's Shed after having listened to his story. | |
Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting | Is a jewelrymaking recipe which requires a pair of jewelry-making pliers from Little Canadia Jewelers and the Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting skill which is available in book form also from the Little Canadia Jewelers. | |
Sealhide Crafting | Is an item Seal Clubbers can get from Phineas after clearing the Nemesis Quest, if they bring him enough seal parts. | |
Staffcrafting | Is a recipe that requires a staff, food, booze, and other items to be given to Rodoric, the Staffcrafter, who can only be reached at The League of Chef-Magi. Rodoric will make a non-tradable Chefstaff, which can only be used if you have either the Spirit of Rigatoni or be a Sauceror wearing a special sauce glove. | |
Star Combining | Is a star recipe, which anyone can make provided they have at least one star chart and some stars and lines. | |
Supertinkering | Is a supertinkering recipe, which anyone having access to Gnorman, the Supertinker can do. | |
Untinkering | Is an untinkering recipe, which anyone can do at the Untinker's Cottage after having done him a favor. Any item that can be produced through combining with meat paste can be untinkered back into its component parts, with a few exceptions that are detailed on the Meat-Pasting Discoveries page. | |
Using Multiple | Is a recipe which can only be completed by using multiple of an item at one time. | |
Weaving | Is a recipe which can only be completed by weaving together palm fronds through use of Hugo's Weaving Manual. |