Reassembled Blackbird
From TheKolWiki
Reassembled Blackbird |
temporary guide directs you in your questing flies on broken wings |
Knows the way
Ability: Speeds up exploration in The Black Forest.
Throne/Bjorn: +10% Item Drops from Monsters, sometimes drops a blackberry.
Hatchling: reassembled blackbird
Familiar-Specific Equipment: tiny bust of Pallas
Ultimate Cage Match | Scavenger Hunt | Obstacle Course | Hide and Seek | |
+15% Meat Drop 6-10 MP +4 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 8-10 HP +2 Moxie statgain Delevel 25%* Boosts combat Initiative *Hover for details
Cannot breathe underwater |
Combat Messages
- Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
- <name> flies away and returns a few minutes later carrying a berry.
You acquire an item: blackberry |
- Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
- <name> flies away, and returns with a berry. You're berry glad to see it. ...ugh
You acquire an item: blackberry |
- With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
- No message.
- With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
- No message.
- With wax lips equipped:
- No message.
- Having the Reassembled Blackbird as your active familiar OR having its hatchling in your inventory speeds up exploration while adventuring in The Black Forest, and gives this message after combat:
- The two items that are combined to make this familiar (the broken wings and sunken eyes), as well as the message that is displayed when you put it in your terrarium, are references to the Beatles song "Blackbird."
- This familiar is also a reference to Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "The Raven," in which the titular bird perches atop a pale bust of Pallas Athena.
- The description of this familiar may also reference the 1985 Mister Mister song, "Broken Wings."
- Prior to the February 2, 2012, update, this familiar used to disappear after you successfully used the black market map.