Really good Feng Shui
From TheKolWiki
Really good Feng Shui was a furnishing located at your Campground.
When "Used"
- The really good Feng Shui at your campsite allows you to regain an additional 7 MP each time you rest. It will also interfere with the Mystical energies of other players who attack you.
- Obtained by using Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots with a decorative fountain and windchimes in your inventory.
- Really good Feng Shui allows you to regain an additional 7 MP each time you rest.
- Really good Feng Shui reduces the Mysticality of players who attack you in PvP.
- Upon ascension, your Really good Feng Shui is lost and must be re-obtained in your next incarnation.
- The Campground furnishing was taken away by a miscellaneous update, and became a furnishing of your dwelling. Players logging in after November 28th, 2008 who had Really good Feng Shui were given the following message:
- As a result of increased solar flare activity, Really Good Feng Shui has been changed. It'll no longer take up a bunch of space in your campsite, but instead be a property of your dwelling. Here's the stuff back. You can use the book to realign everything.
You acquire an item: Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots You acquire an item: decorative fountain You acquire an item: windchimes
- As a result of increased solar flare activity, Really Good Feng Shui has been changed. It'll no longer take up a bunch of space in your campsite, but instead be a property of your dwelling. Here's the stuff back. You can use the book to realign everything.