Really Quite Poisoned
From TheKolWiki
Hoo-boy, are you poisoned. Are you ever. I mean, you're starting to think "Maybe someone should just put me out of my misery so I don't have to deal with all my liquified internal organs shooting out next time I take a dump." That's how bad you're poisoned. All Attributes -70% |
Obtained From
- Drinking a bottle of Ooze-O (20 Adventures)
- Drinking a Bowl of Scorpions (10 Adventures)
- Eating a Yeg's Motel pillow mint (10 Adventures)
- Eating unfortunate dumplings (20 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a black adder (sometimes) (5 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a black widow (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a BRICKO python (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a coal snake (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a diamondback rattler (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a frontwinder (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a grey goo squiggle (1 Adventure)
- Getting hit by a licorice snake (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a mutant gila monster (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a mutant saguaro (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a Neptune flytrap (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a spider-legged witch's hut (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a swarm of mutant fire ants (sometimes) (5 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a tomb asp (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Getting hit by a trophyfish (sometimes) (10 Adventures)
- Having poison "processed" into you by a Warbear toxin processing drone (1-3 Adventures)
- Entering combat against druid plants (1 Adventure)
- Using a mysterious chemical residue (sometimes) (5 Adventures)
- Can be removed by using an anti-anti-antidote, casting Disco Power Nap, or casting Spew Poison.