Category:Reagent Potions

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Potions made from scrumptious reagents combined with fruits. Only characters with the Advanced Saucecrafting skill and the ability to cook are able to cook these.

Higher level potions made with scrumdiddlyumptious solutions require knowledge of The Way of Sauce to cook.

Reagent potions grant their effect for a duration of 5 Adventures, plus an additional 5 Adventures for players with Impetuous Sauciness and a further additional 5 Adventures for players who happen to be Saucerors. Please be warned, the duration on item pages in game will not accurately reflect the actual amount of turns you will get.

The exceptions to this are the bitter pill (100 turns and not given any bonus) and milk of magnesium (10 turn base).

Saucerors receive three potions per craft instead of the standard one. For a list of exceptions to this rule, please view the Saucerors page.

For a listing of reagent potions that existed before June 14, 2006, please see Former Reagent Potions

Summary of Scrumptious Reagent Effects

Scrumptious Reagent +
Ingredient Effect from resulting potion Potion name
cold powderGain cold damage and spell damage, gain resistance to stench and sleazelotion of coldness
hot powder Gain hot damage and spell damage, gain resistance to cold and spookylotion of hotness
sleaze powderGain sleaze damage and spell damage, gain resistance to hot and stenchlotion of sleaziness
spooky powderGain spooky damage and spell damage, gain resistance to cold and sleazelotion of spookiness
stench powderGain stench damage and spell damage, gain resistance to hot and spookylotion of stench
jumbo oliveMuscle/Mysticality = base Moxieoil of slipperiness
cherryMuscle/Moxie = base Mysticalityoil of expertise
limeMysticality/Moxie = base Muscleoil of stability
squashed frog+25 Musclefrogade
salamander spleen+25 Mysticalitysalamander slurry
eye of newt+25 Moxieeyedrops of newt
bananaAll Attributes +40banana smoothie
grapes+20% combat initiativelibation of liveliness
goat's milkFive additional adventures next time you eatmilk of magnesium
papayaWeapon Damage +10, Spell Damage +10, +2 stats per combatpapotion of papower
decaying goldfish liverHaving 3 or more flasks of oil of oiliness allows you to pass through iron bars in The Old Sewersoil of oiliness
lion oilAlways fumbleconcoction of clumsiness
caustic slime noduleSlime Hates Itbitter pill

Summary of Scrumdiddlyumptious Solution Effects

Scrumdiddlyumptious Solution +
Ingredient Effect from resulting potion Potion name
plum+3 Strongness stats per combatplum lozenge
pear+3 Enchantedness stats per combatpear lozenge
peach+3 Smarm stats per combatpeach lozenge

Summary of Enhanceable Scrumptious Reagent Effects

Scrumptious Reagent + Scrumdiddlyumptious Solution+
Ingredient Effect from resulting potion Potion name Ingredient Effect from resulting potion Potion name
tomato+50% all attributestomato juice of powerful power gr8ps+100% all attributespotion of temporary gr8ness
grapefruit+100% Mysticalityointment of the occult tangerine+200% MysticalityHawking's Elixir of Brilliance
lemon+100% Musclephilter of phorce kiwi+200% MuscleFerrigno's Elixir of Power
olive+100% Moxieserum of sarcasm cocktail onion+200% MoxieConnery's Elixir of Audacity
orange+5 melee damagepotion of potency kumquat+20 melee damagepotent potion of potency
strawberry+5% item dropeyedrops of the ermine raspberry+10% item dropeyedrops of the ocelot
jabañero pepper+5 monster levelperfume of prejudice dill+20 monster levelcologne of contempt
soda water+10% spell damagecordial of concentration tonic water+20% spell damageconcentrated cordial of concentration
cranberries+10% meat dropcranberry cordial blackberry+20% meat dropblackberry polite