Ratatouille de Jarlsberg

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ratatouille de Jarlsberg
ratatouille de Jarlsberg

A dish showcasing the ability of the chef. It features simple ingredients and spices prepared perfectly.

Type: food (EPIC)
Size: 1
Selling Price: 75 Meat.
Effect: parfum d'herbes (30 Adventures)Mysticality +5
Mysticality +50%
Superhuman Stench Resistance (+5)

Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: ratatouilles de Jarlsberg)
View metadata
Item number: 10970
Description ID: 238021108
View in-game: view


Ezcook.gif spices Vegetable of Jarlsberg
Equals.gif ratatouille de Jarlsberg

When used

Bbat casserole.gif
"Merci, merci!" you tell your chef as you eat this delicious dish.
AdventuresYou gain 5-7 Adventures.
You gain 30-50 Mysteriousness.
Bbat casserole.gifYou acquire an effect: parfum d'herbes
(duration: 30 Adventures)
(You gain 1 Fullness.)



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