Rained In at the Dock

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Rained In at the Dock
Rained In at the Dock

You arrive at the Tropical Island only to discover that you've booked your trip during monsoon season. It's raining so hard that you can't leave the dock. Fortunately, there are plenty of bars and souvenir stands right at the dock, so it's almost like you're at the resort.

You decide to buy a shirt that is authentic Tropical Island garb, in the sense that every tourist to the Tropical Island wears one. Once you try on the shirt, the store owner laughs so hard that he lets you have it for free, out of gratitude for the comedy. You're not sure what's so damned funny, but aren't offended enough to turn down the shirt.

Florshirt.gifYou acquire an item: floral print shirt

Occured at Tropical Paradise Island Getaway.
