Puppet strings

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puppet strings
puppet strings

These magical strings will allow you to briefly (and secretly!) take control of another player's vocal chords, forcing them to publicly sing your praises the next time they try to speak.

Type: usable (self or others)
Cannot be traded or discarded
Free pull from Hagnk's

(In-game plural: sets of puppet strings)
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Item number: 5667
Description ID: 475297640
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Summon Annoyance
Jack's Swagger Shack (100 swagger)

When Used

Pull Some Strings

Pull the strings of (name or playerid)
or: (pick a player from your contact list)

You have X more puppet strings.

Pull Their Strings
Back to Inventory

When a player is picked:

You sneak up on <username> and pull their strings.

On victim's next sent chat message, replacing it:

"<puppet string user's name> is easily the most great person ever! Three cheers for <puppet string user's name>!"
"<puppet string user's name> is my hero! Don't you all agree?"
"<puppet string user's name> is such a sexy beast!"
"<puppet string user's name> is super-attractive and studly! Don't you all agree?"
"<puppet string user's name> is super-attractive and studly! Just saying that name makes me feel all tingly inside!"
"<puppet string user's name> is totally awesome! Hooray for <puppet string user's name>!"
"I wish I was as good-looking as <puppet string user's name>. Hip hip hooray!""
"I'm <puppet string user's name>'s biggest fan! Let's hear it for <puppet string user's name>!"
"I've never met anyone as attractive as <puppet string user's name>! How about a round of applause?"
"I've never met anyone as studly as <puppet string user's name>! All the rest of us are totally lame in comparison!"
"Is anyone as fabulous as <puppet string user's name>? I don't think so! Just saying that name makes me feel all tingly inside!"
"Is anyone as intelligent as <puppet string user's name>? I don't think so! Hooray for <puppet string user's name>!"
"Who do I think is the best KoLer? Obviously, it's <puppet string user's name>! How about a round of applause?"

You feel as though your strings were just pulled.


  • Causes victim to brag about you, trumping whatever the victim typed into their current channel.
  • If used on a player who has Protects-Your-Junk equipped, the user who used the strings instead get the effects, and the strings are not consumed.
  • Puppet strings will only fire on a regular chat message. A /me message will fail to trigger the strings, and their next regular chat message will become stringed.
  • Puppet strings will not fire in /clan, /dread, /hobopolis, /slimetube, /hauntedhouse, or /talkie.


  • On August 07, 2013, puppet strings were temporarily removed from the swagger shop, presumably due to hinch. When they returned, the price rose from 100 swagger to 101 swagger, then went up to 103.. CDMoyer said the price would go up by 1 every hour. This wasn't happening for the first few hours, which made it seem as if it wasn't happening, but then a few hours later it rose:
    [pvp] CDMoyer: Puppet strings are going up 1 swagger in price every hour until you collectively disavow hinch.
    • Robot Porn (in-game) has reported that he, hinch, and at least 1 other person have their cost at 169.
  • Strings went back to 100 swagger on September 1, 2013.
  • Prior to August 08, 2013, puppet strings used on someone wearing a Protects-Your-Junk reflected back to the puller, and the strings were consumed. It is unknown if strings pulled this way stacked. After this update, the strings were no longer consumed, and the strings did not stack.


"5667" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.