Psychic's circlet

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psychic's circlet
psychic's circlet

This is one of those things that is like a crown but also like a headband? Kind of a bracelet for your head? Psychics wear them because they like to confuse people.

Type: hat
Power: 100
Moxie Required: 35
Outfit: Psychic Enpsemble
  (4 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

+3 Adventure(s) per day when equipped.
Regenerate 3-6 MP per adventure

(In-game plural: psychic's circlets)
View metadata
Item number: 9723
Description ID: 897303017
View in-game: view

Obtained From

VIP Lounge
Madame Zatara’s Relationship Fortune Teller (other player, compatible romantic consultation)


Slash.gif psychic's circlet | psychic's pslacks | psychic's crystal ball | psychic's amulet


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