Procrastination potion

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procrastination potion
procrastination potion

This is a vial of a lazily bubbling substance, the color of tomorrow. Or, y'know, the day after.

Type: combat / usable item
Selling Price: 138 Meat.

Causes Enemy to Put Off Attacking You

(In-game plural: procrastination potions)
View metadata
Item number: 610
Description ID: 130137455
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky
Procrastination Giant

When Used

  • From inventory (item is not used):
You start to drink the potion, but then decide to drink it tomorrow, instead.
  • From inventory (when items are not used):
You start to drink the potions, but then decide to drink them tomorrow, instead.
  • In combat:
You throw the procrastination potion at <it>. It breaks over your opponent's head, and the fumes make <it> decide to attack you later, instead of right now.
You throw the procrastination potion at <it>, but you miss, and the potion breaks on the ground behind <it>.


See Also


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