Pray to the Barrel God

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Pray to the Barrel God
Pray to the Barrel God

You approach the shrine, light a candle, and place it underneath a wooden barrel. "This seems dangerous," you think, but the Barrel god whispers quietly into your mind. "Don't worry about it. What can I do for you today?"

What will you pray for?

Barrelshield.gif barrel lid shield
Barrelhoop.gif barrel hoop earring
Barrelbank.gif bankruptcy barrel
As a Seal Clubber:
Barrelbig.gif Barrel Chested (50 Adventures)
As a Turtle Tamer:
Barrelbig.gif Barrel of Laughs (50 Adventures)
As a Pastamancer:
Barrelbig.gif Pork Barrel (50 Adventures)
As a Sauceror:
Barrelbig.gif Warlock, Warstock, and Warbarrel (50 Adventures)
As a Disco Bandit
Barrelbig.gif Double-Barreled (50 Adventures)
As an Accordion Thief:
Barrelbig.gif Beer Barrel Polka (50 Adventures)
You beg the Barrel god to stop smiling on you all the damned time. He grants your wish.

(you will no longer find barrels after fights)

You tell the Barrel god that you've had enough "me time" and that he can start smiling on you again.

(you will start finding barrels after fights again)

Back to the Dungeoneers' Association

If a blessing has been chosen for that day:

You already prayed to the Barrel god today. Don't get greedy, or he might turn off the barrel faucet.

Every 7th prayer in an ascension (excluding "Privacy" and "Companionship"):

There is a flash of light, and a map appears on the floor in front of you.
Map.gifYou acquire an item: map to the Biggest Barrel

Occurs at The Dungeoneers' Association (with a Shrine to the Barrel god‎ installed).


  • Once you've prayed for a blessing, you may not pray again that day. "Privacy" and "Companionship" are not true blessings and do not lock you out of the shrine, but cannot be prayed for after you've received a true blessing.
  • Each piece of equipment is only available once per ascension. Once the barrel lid shield, barrel hoop earring or bankruptcy barrel has been chosen, the item is removed from the list until ascension.
  • The buff available is determined by your current class. Special classes get nothing. The buff is not once per ascension.
Pray For: Obtain Notes

(Once Per Ascension)

barrel lid (Off-hand (shield))
  • Muscle +25%
  • +50 to Monster Level
  • Maximum HP +100
  • This item will disappear at the end of the day.

(Once Per Ascension)

barrel hoop earring (accessory)
  • Mysticality +25%
  • +50% Item Drops from Monsters
  • Regenerate 5-10 MP per adventure
  • This item will disappear at the end of the day.

(Once Per Ascension)

bankruptcy barrel (pants)
  • Moxie +25%
  • Combat Initiative +50%
  • Regenerate 10-20 HP per adventure
  • This item will disappear at the end of the day.

(Seal Clubber Only)

Barrel Chested (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • Weapon Damage +150%

(Turtle Tamer only)

Barrel of Laughs (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • Maximum HP +90
  • Makes food more delicious!

(Pastamancer only)

Pork Barrel (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • +90% Item Drops from Monsters

(Sauceror only)

Warlock, Warstock, and Warbarrel (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • Spell Damage +150%

(Disco Bandit only)

Double-Barreled (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • Ranged Damage +150%

(Accordion Thief only)

Beer Barrel Polka (effect)

(50 adventures)

  • +45% Booze Drops from Monsters
  • Makes booze more effective!