Powerful Glove

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Powerful Glove
Powerful Glove

Now you're playing with a Powerful Glove.

Type: accessory
Cannot be traded or discarded

Maximum MP +10
Maximum HP +20
Weapon Damage +25%
Spell Damage +50%
Regenerate 5-10 HP and MP per adventure
Lets you use various glitchy cheat codes

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: Powerful Gloves)
View metadata
Item number: 10438
Description ID: 991142661
View in-game: view

Obtained From

mint-in-box Powerful Glove


  • While equipped, grants two combat skills and two noncombat skills. These skills share a pool of 100% daily CHEAT CODE usage, which is shown as a charge on the item description, and in combat next to the skills. The combat skills may be used more than once in a given combat. Noncombat buffs can be used at the same time and be cast multiple times at once, and will persist even if the glove is unequipped.
  • After a fight, sometimes drops a pixel:
Your Powerful Glove emits an alarming screech and a loose pixel falls out. (~23% activation chance, roughly equal distribution of each kind)
one of the following:
Pixel5.gifYou acquire an item: blue pixel
Pixel4.gifYou acquire an item: green pixel
Pixel3.gifYou acquire an item: red pixel
Pixel1.gifYou acquire an item: white pixel
Your Powerful Glove emits an alarming screech and some coins fall out, along with a loose pixel.
Mario coin.gifYou acquire 3-5 coins
one of the following:
Pixel5.gifYou acquire an item: blue pixel
Pixel4.gifYou acquire an item: green pixel
Pixel3.gifYou acquire an item: red pixel
Pixel1.gifYou acquire an item: white pixel
  • While wearing the Glove, the monsters you fight will have a pixelated appearance, including glitchy eyes usually placed somewhere near the monster's head (although sometimes in very strange places...).
    • If you are using mafia, this image-pixelation effect can be disabled by entering set suppressPowerPixellation=true in the gCLI.
  • Is automatically pulled for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
    You grab your Powerful Glove. It's so bad you can't leave it behind.
    Pglove.gifYou acquire an item: Powerful Glove


  • A reference to Nintendo's Power Glove controller. It also refers to a marketing slogan used by Nintendo around the time the Power Glove was released—"Now you're playing with power".

See Also


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