There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.
Does the physical damage respond to non-percent +spelldmg? How about Mysticality? How much deleveling does it give with melee/ranged attacks?
 porcelain pepper mill
This little hand-cranked grinder will accent your spells with that most exotic of spices: pepper.
Type: off-hand item Mysticality Required: 40
Cannot be traded or discarded+10% Chance of Spell Critical Hit Successful hit weakens opponent. Adds Physical Damage to Saucestorm (In-game plural: porcelain pepper mills) | |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Armory and Leggery (1 bakelite bits)
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Ascension Reward
- Complete a Hardcore Standard run as a Sauceror in 2015.
- Adds this message to the beginning of Saucestorm's text:
- You give your mill a few cranks and fill the air with pepper particles.
- Adds 20 to 24 physical damage to each component of Saucestorm's damage. For example, with a bunch of bonus percent spell damage, Saucestorm might do 21(+110) and 24(+110).
- The bonus physical damage is not affected by critical hits, or by bonus percent spell damage (but is affected by Monster Resistance in the expected way).
- When attacking:
 | Monster attack power reduced by 7-10 |
 | Monster defense reduced by 6-9 |
See Also
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