Plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans

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plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans
plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans

A plate of deep red beans in a deep red sauce. The plate itself is shallow, otherwise it'd be a bowl.

Type: food (good)
Size: 1
Level required: 2
Selling Price: 5 Meat.

(In-game plural: plates of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans)
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Item number: 8876
Description ID: 199791931
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Investigating a Plaintive Telegram
camp cook
Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans
Chez Snootée (sometimes) (15 Meat)

When Consumed

You eat the plate of beans. Tastes like copper!
AdventuresYou gain 2-4 Adventures.
You 12-25 Beefiness.
HPYou gain 100 hit points.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)


  • A reference to Heinz, a food processing company that makes canned beans, among other foods.


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