Plastic guitar
From TheKolWiki
This is a little plastic guitar, with five buttons instead of strings and a little switch you click back and forth instead of strumming. It's perfect for those who want to spend hours practicing a musical instrument, without that pesky "able to play music" part at the end. (In-game plural: plastic guitars) |
Obtained From
You play a blistering riff on your plastic guitar. In your head it goes screedly meedly reeeow, but your opponent just hear click click click. Still, you do X damage. CLICK CLICK CLICK
You play a flawless series of clicks on all five buttons, feeling like a guitar hero in a rock band. Your self-delusion hits <it> for X damage. CLICKITY CLICK CLICK
You play a tune of your own composition on the plastic guitar. It goes a little something like click click click click. Your opponent takes X damage from the annoying noise. CLICK CLICKITY CLICK
You play that classic plastic guitar tune, "click click clickety click." <It> winces with each click, taking a total of X damage. CLICKITY CLICK CLICKITY
- This item can be used to pass The Stone Mariachis.
- In combat, Sound Effects change from the usual "WHACK! BAM! ZOT!" to "CLICK CLICK CLICK" with an occasional CLICKITY.
- Having this item, or any other guitar, and Elvish sunglasses equipped enables the wielder to use the "Play a Guitar Solo" ability once per combat.
- The entire description is a reference to the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series of games, which use similar guitar controllers.
- The screedly meedly reeeow hit message is probably a reference to one of StrongBad's emails from Homestar*Runner.
See Also
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