Pixel whip

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pixel whip
pixel whip

This legendary vampire-slaying whip has been in your family for generations. No, wait, I'm thinking of a different whip. This one was made out of brown pixels by a crazy guy in a shed in the woods.

Type: weapon (1-handed whip)
Damage: 1 - 2
Selling Price: 15 Meat.

All Attributes +3

(In-game plural: pixel whips)
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Item number: 4589
Description ID: 678588952
View in-game: view
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Pixel3.gif 10 brown pixels
Equals.gif pixel whip



  • The crazy guy in a shed in the woods is The Crackpot Mystic.
  • The hero in the NES video game, Castlevania, uses a brown whip.


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