Pixel star

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pixel star
pixel star

The challenge of drawing a convincing five-pointed star in low-resolution pixel art has frustrated illustrators since the dawn of last week.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 150 Meat.
Effect: Nigh-Invincible (30 Adventures)Maximum HP +100%
Maximum MP +100%
Spell Damage +100%
Weapon Damage +100%

(In-game plural: pixel stars)
View metadata
Item number: 8301
Description ID: 177951003
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Pixel3.gif 15 yellow pixels 2 black pixel
Equals.gif pixel star

When Used

You touch the star. Music swells as it vanishes and your entire body begins to twinkle and flicker through every possible color.
Pixelstar.gifYou acquire an effect: Nigh-Invincible
(duration: 30 Adventures)


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