Pixel morning star

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pixel morning star
pixel morning star

This is a pretty comprehensively-upgraded pixel whip. It's got a pixellated spiked ball on the end of a really long piece of chain. It's the envy of the other members of its chain gang.

Type: weapon (1-handed whip)
Damage: 8 - 15
Muscle Required: 22
Selling Price: 80 Meat.
Cannot be traded

All Attributes +5

(In-game plural: pixel morning stars)
View metadata
Item number: 4591
Description ID: 533398816
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Vanya's Castle Chapel
Hot Whips Part Deux


  • Not only is the adventure that you get this from a reference to a Charlie Sheen movie, but the description also gives a nod to Cadence, another Charlie Sheen movie where he's a member of a military chain gang.


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