Pixel energy tank

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pixel energy tank
pixel energy tank

This is a big blue canister with the letter E on it. Since it's not a small pink pill with the letter E on it, it's probably unlikely to get you arrested.

Type: combat / usable item
Cannot be discarded

Restores up to 1,000 HP and MP

(In-game plural: pixel energy tanks)
View metadata
Item number: 5907
Description ID: 337369749
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Pixel3.gif 40 blue pixels 10 white pixels
Equals.gif Pixel energy tank

When Used

Inside of combat:

You crack open the tank and breathe in the shimmering blue mist that sprays out of it.

Outside of combat:

You crack open the energy tank and breathe in the shimmering blue mist that billows out of it.
HPYou gain 1,000 hit points.
MPYou gain 1,000 Mana Points.



  • Yep, it's the E-Tank from the Mega Man games.
  • The line about a small pink pill with the letter E on it probably refers to MDMA, commonly known as "Ecstasy".


"5907" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.