PirateRealm Fun-a-Log

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You can spend the FunPoints that you accumulate in PirateRealm by using the PirateRealm fun-a-log quest item.

You've had your fun, now spend it!

Items Sold

Item: Price:
Pr partyhat.gif PirateRealm party hat F 20
Pr crabsicle.gif crabsicle F 100
Pr shavingcream.gif pirate shaving cream F 100
Pr rhum.gif bottle of dark rhum F 100
Pr rhum.gif bottle of extra-dark rhum F 100
Pr rhum.gif bottle of super-extra-dark rhum F 100
Pr daypass.gif PirateRealm guest pass F 600
Pr breastplate.gif conquistador's breastplate F 1,000
Pr radioring.gif pirate radio ring F 1,000
Pr gun.gif piratical blunderbuss F 1,000
Pr serpent item.gif plush sea serpent F 1,000
Pr fork.gif pirate fork F 2,000
Book3.gif Scurvy and Sobriety Prevention F 2,000
Weddingring.gif lucky gold ring F 2,000
Book4.gif Island Drinkin', a Tiki Mixology Odyssey F 3,000
Pr rogertat.gif Red Roger tattoo kit F 5,000

You have X FunPoints
