Pink candy heart

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pink candy heart
pink candy heart

Of all of the possible colors of candy heart, this one is the most similar to an actual beating human heart. Well, except for the beating part. And the inscription, unless you know something I don't know about human hearts.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Heart of Pink (10 Adventures)All Attributes +3
+20% Meat from Monsters

(In-game plural: pink candy hearts)
View metadata
Item number: 2305
Description ID: 192902326
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Summon Candy Heart
Papier-mâché trophy piñata (0-5)
Your Workshed
Model Train Set with Candy Factory

When Used

You chomp on the candy heart. Yum!
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an effect: Heart of Pink
(duration: 10 Adventures)


  • By using the [send] command in the inventory, players can write a brief message (two lines of up to five characters each) on the candy heart and send it to another player (or oneself).
  • If it is sent to someone in Ronin or Hardcore, they will receive a pink candygram.


"2305" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Summoned Candy Hearts
white | pink | orange | lavender | yellow | green
Candy Heart Effects
(Heart of [Color])
white All Attributes +3 +1 Stat Per Fight, +1 Familiar Experience Per Fight
pink All Attributes +3 +20% Meat from Monsters
orange All Attributes +3 +5 Hot Damage, +5 Damage to Hot Spells,
+5-6 MP and +5-6 HP per Adventure
lavender All Attributes +3 +10% Items from Monsters
yellow All Attributes +3 +20% Combat Initiative
green All Attributes +3 +3 to Familiar Weight