Pink-frosted astral cupcake

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pink-frosted astral cupcake
pink-frosted astral cupcake

This is a little cupcake with pink frosting. The sprinkles spell out "EAT ME", which makes you a little wary. It's not every day you meet a suicidal cupcake.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 30 Meat.
Effect: Your Cupcake Senses Are Tingling (20 Adventures)+30% Meat from Monsters

(In-game plural: pink-frosted astral cupcakes)
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Item number: 1628
Description ID: 937510323
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Bad Trip
Trippy Floating Head (Grand Moff Tarkin)
Mediocre Trip
Feeling That You're Being Watched
Great Trip
Higher Plane Serpents

When Used

  • If you don't have a cupcake effect active:
You eat the pink-frosted astral cupcake. It has a distinctly bacony aftertaste. Mmmm.
Cupcake.gifYou acquire an effect: Your Cupcake Senses Are Tingling
(duration: 20 Adventures)
  • If you already have a cupcake effect active:
Your stomach is still a little queasy from digesting a cupcake that may or may not exist in this dimension. You really don't feel like eating another one just now.


  • The name of the acquired effect is a variation on the saying "My spider sense is tingling", which is of course said by Spider-Man whenever his trademark spider sense tingles (i.e. alerting him to oncoming danger).
  • The sprinkles that spell "EAT ME" are a reference to Alice in Wonderland, where Alice finds a cake labeled "EAT ME".


Slash.gif blue-frosted astral cupcake | green-frosted astral cupcake | orange-frosted astral cupcake | pink-frosted astral cupcake | purple-frosted astral cupcake


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Astral Cupcakes
blue | green | orange | pink | purple
Cupcake Effects
blue +30% Item Drops from Monsters
green +10 Monster Level
orange +3 Stats per Fight
pink +30% Meat from Monsters
purple +20 HP & +20 MP per Fight