pie man was not meant to eat
If you could see in more than 3 dimensions, you'd be a lot closer to understanding what this is.
Type: food (EPIC) Size: 100 Level required: 15 Selling Price: 350 Meat. (In-game plural: pies men were not meant to collectively eat) | |
Obtained From
- The Haunted Wine Cellar
- mad wino
When Consumed
Space folds, and the pie once outside you is inside.
(You gain 100 Fullness.)
- Since January 1, 2018, the Pie man was not meant to eat like other level 13+ consumables may no longer be consumed in Hardcore/Ronin.
- Actually consuming this pie is rather difficult, there are two known ways to do so:
- Eating a quantum taco and being really, really lucky.
- Ascend into a normal (not hardcore) Two Crazy Random Summer challenge path under a sign + class combination where the pie gets a size modifier, spend more than 1000 adventures to break ronin, and reach level 15. You can then eat the pie.
- Since this item cannot be consumed by a player during most paths, its excessive size makes it good fodder for the Gluttonous Green Ghost or Asdon Martin.
- Though pop culture has exaggerated how often H. P. Lovecraft specifically wrote "things man was not meant to know", his works are full of forbidden knowledge, forbidden actions, and at least one forbidden color; forbidden pie is a pretty logical next step.
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