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Pickpocket Type: CombatMP Cost: 0 When getting the jump on a monster due to Combat Initiative, Moxie class characters (including the Avatar of Sneaky Pete) have the option to try to steal an item. Picking pockets can only be attempted during the first round of combat. Note that Sneaky Pete cannot do this and Mug for the Audience at the same time. Note that if a monster transforms into a different monster, such as when using a tangle of rat tails, you cannot pickpocket twice even if you get the jump both times- though it is possible for Pete to pickpocket the first and mug the second. There are two types of pickpocketing, true pickpocketing which is boosted by +pickpocket% and can grab pickpocket-only items, and steals, which can only attempt to grab items from the monster's drop pool. The effects Form of...Bird! as well as Riboflavin', or the tiny black hole or mime army infiltration glove items can grant pickpocket ability to characters of other classes. There are several other items that perform pickpocket-like actions. (See Methods section below.) Attempts to steal an item from the monster. |
Source: | Starting skill for moxie classes, having the Form of...Bird! status effect, having the Riboflavin' status effect, having a tiny black hole equipped or having a mime army infiltration glove equipped |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | Disco Bandit, Accordion Thief, Avatar of Sneaky Pete, and Gelatinous Noob |
Level: | N/A |
When Used: |
- Success with Rave Steal:
- Failure with Rave Steal:
- Failure with a moss marlinspike equipped:
The Logic of Pickpocketing
- If the monster has a pickpocket-only drop, roll for that item first.
- For each pickpocket-able item (in random order):
- Roll a random number between 0 and 99. (Items with fractional base drop rates are Conditional Drops)
- If the rolled number is below the item's base drop rate, then that item is stolen, and stop.
- If the rolled number is equal to or above the item's drop rate, the attempt fails and the process continues to the next item.
- If no items were stolen, then pickpocket fails.
The Math of Pickpocketing
If a monster can drop n different items with associated base drop rates p1, p2, ..., pn, then the probability that item #1 will be obtained from a single pickpocket is given by the formula
- The probabilities of pickpocketing the other items can be found by permuting the variables.
- Another, possibly easier formula, where A is the base chance of the wanted item dropping, B is the base chance of another dropping, and C is the chance of a third item dropping, is:
- If the monster can drop 2 items, Pickpocketing Chance = A(1-B)+AB/2
- If the monster can drop 3 items, Pickpocketing Chance = A(1-B)(1-C)+(AB)(1-C)/2+(AC)(1-B)/2+ABC/3
- The total chance of getting an item from a monster if you Pickpocket it and kill it is:
- Base Chance (1+ Item Drop Modifiers)(1- Pickpocketing Chance) + Pickpocketing Chance
Methods of True Pickpocketing
The basic Pickpocket skill is available to most Moxie classes. Other classes can access it by having one of the following:
- tiny black hole equipped
- mime army infiltration glove equipped
- focused magnetron pistol equipped
- Form of...Bird! active
- Riboflavin' active
- Seal Clubbers with enough Fury and a moss mace equipped can also attempt a Moss Mugging.
Pickpocket is only available in the first round of combat, upon getting the jump on the monster. If successful, the pickpocketed item will be prevented from dropping normally.
- If the first attempt fails, a second true Pickpocket attempt is allowed for Disco Bandits equipped with Bling of the New Wave or anyone with a moss marlinspike.
Named after Rave Steal, the following item-stealing abilities can be attempted during combat. They can NOT grab items flagged as [pickpocket-only]. They fall into several broad categories. (Warning: Only the item-stealing aspects of the methods below are being compared; many have secondary effects not listed here.) Many of the methods below have other unrelated effects (damage, deleveling, etc).
- Group 1: divine cracker, peppermint crook, and Rave Steal-like drop-forcers: Cannot succeed if an item has already been Pickpocketed, or if an item has already been stolen by another Group 1 method. As with the basic Pickpocket, any item successfully stolen in this way will be prevented from dropping normally.
- divine cracker: (one-shot) combat item that attempts a steal using Pickpocket-like selection, with a bonus +60% to the drop rates
- peppermint crook: combat item that attempts a steal using Pickpocket-like selection and is only consumed on success
- Rave Steal-like drop-forcers: guaranteed steal (if possible), using equal-likelihood selection. Includes:
- Rave Steal: 3-skill combo that steals upon completion; limit 30x/day
- Smash & Graaagh: combat skill that steals; limit 30x/day
- Lash of the Cobra: combat skill that steals; limit 30x/day
- Level 14+ Belly-Dancer: Ed servant steal ability that has a random chance of triggering each round of combat; limit 30x/day
- Hugs and Kisses!: combat skill that steals; limit 11x/day
- V for Vivala mask: one of several potential results triggered when you land a nonlethal critical hit; no daily limit!
- Group 2: BLART/FLUDA: No mutual exclusivity restriction here! These CAN still succeed after a successful Pickpocket or Group 1 steal. (Can one of these succeed after the other? needs spading), using both can even re-steal the same item, effectively duplicating it. As with the above methods, however, any item successfully stolen in this way will be prevented from dropping normally.
- B. L. A. R. T. Spray (narrow): recastable-until-successful combat skill that attempts a steal using Pickpocket-like selection; no daily limit
- FLUDA's Douse Foe: recastable-until-successful combat skill that attempts a steal using Pickpocket-like selection; limit 3x/day
- Group 3: Polar Vortex / Perpetrate Mild Evil / Swoop like a Bat: No mutual exclusivity restriction, and no subsequent drop prevention, effectively making these always function as item duplicators. All use a unique selection process.
- Polar Vortex: recastable combat skill that can be cast up to 10 times per day. Unsuccessful uses count toward daily limit.
- Perpetrate Mild Evil: recastable combat skill that can be cast up to 3 times per day. Uses do not count towards daily limit if used against foe with no eligible items.
- Swoop like a Bat: combat skill that can be cast up to 11 times per day, but only once per combat. Uses do not count towards daily limit if it is unsuccessful, but failed use does prevent the skill from being used again in that combat.
These act independently from the other pickpockets and can succeed in the same combat:
- Turtle Tamers who rescue guard turtles sometimes force an additional pickpocketable drop after combat and get get Cold-Blooded Warm Fuzzies.
- Deft pirate hook sometimes pickpockets when landing an attack or skill with a weapon.
- Bowl Backwards pickpockets an item from a different monster in the current zone.
- The Slimeling familiar, at the end of combat, will randomly choose one of the monster's equipment pieces which didn't drop and try to disgorge it. This mechanic is somewhat similar to pickpocket, but is implemented differently. See the Disgorging section on the Slimeling's page for more details. This is independent from all of the above, meaning that it can happen in conjunction with one of the above succeeding.
Special Pockets For Picking
The following areas/monsters have items that can only be gained through the pickpocket ability:
Pickpocket Immunity
When pickpocket was originally implemented, all conditional drops were marked as not pickpocketable. Generally, this remains true for older content, although CDMoyer has stated that in more recent content, each item's pickpocketability and conditionality are determined separately.
For example, shirts drop conditionally based on whether you have Torso Awaregness. In older content, shirts could not be stolen, but in the Knob revamp, pickpocket can steal shirts.
The following is a list of notable monsters that either can not be pickpocketed or have items that can not be stolen.
- The monsters in the Wine Racks
- Your nemesis in the Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave
- Ultra-Rare monsters
- All monsters found in Fernswarthy's Basement (they don't drop anything anyway)
- The DoD mimic, due to a bug that initially allowed you to get more than one wand
- The mimics in The Barrel full of Barrels
- Your shadow
- Feast of Boris monsters
- El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos monsters
- Most monsters in The Sea cannot be successfully pickpocketed. Exceptions include the bazookafish (bazookafish bubble gum), patrons of The Dive Bar (all booze drops) and select items in The Skate Park.
- The gnarly gnome and the gnasty gnome cannot have their clockwork keys stolen, though their other drops are yoinkable.
Bonus Pickpocket Chance
These act as item drop modifiers, but for pickpocket attempts: +100% pickpocket chance would double the base drop rate for each item. This is different from doubling each item's total chance of being pickpocketed. These effects only affect true pickpockets (as granted by Moxie classes, Birdform, and the tiny black hole) and not similar effects like the peppermint crook or divine cracker.
Source | Source Type | Pickpocket Chance |
Duration | Cost | Prereq | Notes |
Legendary Regalia of the Master Squeezeboxer | Outfit Bonus | 50% | Always | 60 Moxie | Accordion Thief only | |
Quiets-Your-Steps | Accessory | 50% | Always | 100 Moxie | May not equip more than one | |
Troutsers | Pants | 50% | Always | None |
| |
Nanoballsy | Effect | 30% | 50 Adv | None | Obtained by using a moxie-based ability while your Nanorhino is at 100% charge | |
Sneaky Pete's leather jacket | Shirt | 30% | Always | None | ||
Elvish sunglasses | Accessory | 25% | Always | None | May not equip more than one | |
FantasyRealm Thief's Outfit | Outfit Bonus | 25% | Always | 40 Moxie | ||
kelp-holly gun | Weapon (1H) | 25% | Always | 25 Mox |
| |
tiny black hole | Off-Hand Item | 25% | Always | None |
| |
Mime army infiltration glove | Accessory | 25% | Always | 200 Moxie |
| |
Danish Cunning | Food | 25% | 30 Adv | 1 Full | Level 4 | Obtained from eating a forbidden danish, frozen danish or smashed danish |
Third Based | Booze | 25% | 40 Adv | 1 Drunk | Level 4 | Obtained from drinking a Third Base |
wooly loincloth | Pants | 25% | Always | 40 Moxie | Regenerate 4-8 MP per adventure | |
Biker's hat | Hat | 20% | Always | 85 Moxie |
| |
El Tango de la Maldita Suegra | Item | 20% | 10 Adv | Item loss | None | Obtained from evil vihuela (AT only) |
Jokin' Drunk | Booze | 20% | 20 Adv | 2 Drunk | Level 6 | Obtained from drinking a bottle of Rapier Witbier |
Lord Soggyraven's Slippers | Accessory | 20% | Always | 60 Mysticality |
| |
sticky gloves | Accessory | 20% | Always | None | May not equip more than one | |
Thor's Pliers | Weapon (1H) | 20% | Always | None |
| |
Nicksilver ring | Accessory | 15% | Always | None | ||
aerogel attache case | Off-Hand item | 10% | Always | None |
| |
Candy necktie | Accessory | 10% | Always | None |
| |
Glasshole | Item | 10% | 50 Adv | Item loss | None | Obtained from augmented-reality shades |
Isskay like an Ashtray | Effect | 10% | 50 Adv | None | Obtained from Saved by the Bell (KOLHS) | |
Knight's Armor | Outfit Bonus | 10% | Always | 15 Myst 15 Moxie |
Master Accordion Master Thief | Passive Skill (AT) | 10% | Always | |||
Polyester pulsera | Accessory | 10% | Always | None |
| |
Sensitive Fingers | Passive Skill (DB) | 10% | Always | |||
Skipper's accordion | Weapon (2H) | 10% | Always | 10 Mox |
| |
sticky hand whip | Weapon (1H) | 10% | Always | None | ||
Top Dog | Food | 10% | 50 Adv |
Access to a Hot Dog Stand with the hot dog unlocked | Obtained from eating a sly dog |
Things Man Was Not Meant to Eat | Item | 10% | 10 Adv | Item loss | None | Obtained from fudge-shaped hole in space-time |
Sheila Take a Crossbow | Weapon (1H) | 5% | Always | None |
| |
Video... Games? | Effect | 5% | 5 turns | None |
| |
Food |
1 Full |
Level 5 |
| |||
Curse of Clumsiness | Effect | -50% | Varies | None | Obtained from fighting spooky monsters in Dreadsylvania |
- If you successfully pickpocket something, you won't get it as a normal drop after killing the monster. However, if the monster can drop more than one of a certain item (for example, monsters in The Hole in the Sky that can drop multiple stars or lines), the other instances of that item can still drop normally.
- Even if a monster has no item drops, you may still attempt to pick its pocket if you get initiative.
- Item drop modifiers do not affect pickpocketing probability.
- If you click on a different link or log out of KoL when you get the initiative to get to the "You twiddle your thumbs" message, when you click on the Pick its Pocket button, you are still able to pickpocket.
- It is possible to pickpocket an item, and then successfully run away from the monster, or even use a yoinked combat item in the same combat.
- Does not count as a "skill" for the purposes of such items as Drunkula's wineglass.
- See this forum thread for more information.
- Pickpocketing as an Avatar of Sneaky Pete increases audience Hate by 1 (or 2 if wearing Sneaky Pete's leather jacket). The audience within that challenge path will react accordingly when doing so.
- If the audience loves you:
- The Studio Audience holds their breath, a little appalled that their beloved character would attempt to steal from someone.
- The Studio Audience's cheers get a little less enthusiastic as they see you're more lawless than they thought.
- The Studio Audience stops cheering and looks a little shocked. They may not believe you're as loveable a rogue as they did before.
- The Studio Audience's applause gets less enthusiastic, as they see you're a little too roguelike for their taste.
- The Studio Audience gasps, shocked that their beloved cultural icon would engage in petty larceny.
- There are a few scattered boos among the Studio Audience's applause after your attempted petty larceny.
- The Studio Audience's applause grows fainter and they look at each other, bewildered. Maybe you're not the anti-hero they thought you were.
- The Studio Audience stops applauding and gasps in shock at your lawlessness.
- The Studio Audience's applause grows fainter after your dastardly deed. You dastard.
- The people in the Studio Audience glance at each other, bewildered that their hero would try to steal from someone.
- If the audience hates you:
- The Studio Audience howls their fury at your attempted petty larceny.
- The Studio Audience adds some boos to their chorus of hisses. You're much more rogue than loveable rogue now.
- The Studio Audience stands up en masse, about to walk out, disgusted by your pickpocketing.
- The Studio Audience jeers and boos at your petty larceny.
- The Studio Audience howls their disapproval at your pickpocketing, their boos and catcalls louder than ever.
- The Studio Audience shouts their disapproval, their boos getting even louder.
- The Studio Audience jeers and boos at your pickpocketing, hating you even harder than they did before.
- The members of the Studio Audience frown and "tsk, tsk," too aghast at your petty larceny to even boo.
- The Studio Audience's boos intensify. It seems like they were right about you from the start.
- The Studio Audience starts throwing tomatoes that are even more rotten than the ones they were throwing before.
- This ability was added to the game as a Tuesday update on January 9, 2007.