Pick Your Poison

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Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison

<random text>


You decide to appeal to <his> inherent greediness.


You decide to appeal to <his> appetite.


You decide to appeal to <his> vanity.


You decide to appeal to <his> laziness.


You decide to appeal to <his> lustfulness.


You decide to appeal to <his> violent nature.

Occurs when Talking to the Husband or Wife.


  • The options only show up if you have materials to be used in that option.
  • The intro text is randomized:
    • Husband
      • You have taken the measure of this man, and now you're ready to dish out a measure of persuasion. How, exactly, will you persuade him?
      • You know what boys like; you know what guys want. And you're ready to give this guy what he wants. What do you think that is?
      • You've judged this man's character, and you know exactly how to persuade him. Um, exactly how are you going to persuade him?
      • You're ready to make this man an offer he can't refuse. Unless you're absolutely wrong about his character, that is. Let's see, shall we?
    • Wife
      • Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but you're a girl's best judge of character, and you know exactly how to persuade this woman. So, exactly how are you going to?
      • You know what a girl wants, and what a girl needs, and you're ready to offer this lady a deal she'll love. How are you going to do that, exactly?
      • You know what the ladies want. Well, at least this particular lady. What are you going to offer her?
      • You know women always be changing their minds, am I right, but you're pretty sure you know what this lady wants right now. How will you persuade her?
    • Both
      • You stop for a second. Maybe these guys aren't so bad. Maybe the kids would be better off with their parents in this case... Nah, who are we kidding? How will you persuade them to give up some kids?
      • You've got a couple of ideas about how to persuade this couple, so you should pick one and go with it.
      • You've observed this couple's dynamic, and you're pretty sure you can persuade them. How will you start?
  • The image is always the same one as you received earlier -- for example, if you received momdad3.gif, you will always receive dad3.gif or mom3.gif if applicable..