Perpetrate Mild Evil

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Perpetrate Mild Evil

Perpetrate Mild Evil

Type: Combat
MP Cost: N/A
usable 3 times per day

Perpetrate some minor evil!

Play a prank on your opponent

Source: Pocket Guide to Mild Evil
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Does minor spooky damage and steals an item
When Used:

Against a foe with no eligible items:

You put an evil whoopee cushion under your opponent and then knock them down onto it for X damage. So evil! (That wasn't even mildly evil, maybe you can try again against another foe.)


You cackle evilly as you tape some cellophane across a nearby doorway. You wait for your opponent to walk into it and suffer X damage. They are so discombobulated that they drop something.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]

Occasionally, in addition:

Oh, and a little evil has manifested.

Evilnoodles.gifYou acquire an item: evil noodles
Evilumbrella.gifYou acquire an item: evil paper umbrella
Evilreagent.gifYou acquire an item: nauseating reagent


  • Functionally equivalent to Fire Extinguisher: Polar Vortex (attempts to pickpocket the monster 50 times (excluding Pickpocket-only items), and returns the first drop it selects. This "evilpocket" is thus effectively weighted by the drop rates of all items that the monster can drop, and will typically fail when the monster has only items with low drop rates.)
  • Does not remove stolen item from drop table, so item can be stolen again or drop again at end of fight.
  • Can be used multiple times per fight.
  • Evil actions are taken from a wordbucket:
You cackle evilly as you tape some cellophane across a nearby doorway. You wait for your opponent to walk into it and suffer X damage.
You position a bucket of evil goo so that it falls on your opponent's head for X damgage when they walk under it.
You put an evil whoopee cushion under your opponent and then knock them down onto it for X damage. So evil!
You put some matchsticks in your opponents toes and light them on fire, evilly, for X damage.
You fill a paper bag with dog poo, set it in front of your opponent, and then ring a nearby doorbell. They suffer X damage from the evil of this prank.
  • When used on enemies without eligible item drops, the following is appended to the cast message:
(That wasn't even mildly evil, maybe you can try again against another foe.)
  • Drop messages are also taken from a different wordbucket:
They are so discombobulated that they drop something.
They're so flustered by this that they drop an item.
In their angry flailing, they drop something.