Perfect ice cube

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perfect ice cube
perfect ice cube

This ice cube is perfectly cubical, perfectly clear, and contains in its crystalline structure the ability to instantly produce the perfect juice, vermouth, or bitters to go with whatever spirit you plop it into.

(Cocktailcrafting ingredient)
Selling Price: 9 Meat.

(In-game plural: perfect ice cubes)
View metadata
Item number: 8686
Description ID: 627519104
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Ice Hotel
ice bartender
All They Got Inside is Vacancy (and Ice)
Perfect Freeze (1 / Day)



Basic Booze
3 Drunk
3 Adv
Perfect Drink
3 Drunk
18-19 Adv
Stat Gains
20-30 Main Stat
10-20 Secondary Stat
1-10 Tertiary Stat
bottle of vodka Perfect cosmopolitan Muscle / Mysticality / Moxie
bottle of whiskey Perfect old-fashioned Muscle / Moxie / Mysticality
boxed wine Perfect mimosa Mysticality / Muscle / Moxie
bottle of rum Perfect dark and stormy Mysticality / Moxie / Muscle
bottle of tequila Perfect paloma Moxie / Muscle / Mysticality
bottle of gin Perfect negroni Moxie / Mysticality / Muscle


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