Penguin thesaurus

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penguin thesaurus
penguin thesaurus

This is a book full of words that are words for other words. It might not make you smarter, but it'll make you seem smarter, and that's the important thing, am I right? Am I correct? Is my statement veracious? Factual?

Type: off-hand item
Cannot be discarded

Mysticality +1
Maximum HP/MP +5

(In-game plural: penguin thesauri)
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Item number: 3638
Description ID: 218664990
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Old Crimbo Town Toy Factory
Mob Penguin goon


See Also


Slash.gif cheap elven gloves | elven socks | festive holiday hat | gray bow tie | patent leather shoes | penguin thesaurus


"3638" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.