Pearl diver's necklace

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pearl diver's necklace
pearl diver's necklace

This ancient necklace had its original massive diamond stolen and replaced with a pearl, and now it's on a quest to recover the diamond, and you're just a pawn in its little game.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 85
Selling Price: 12024 Meat.

+4% chance of Critical Hit
+20 to Monster Level
+30% Item Drops from Monsters (Underwater only)

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: pearl diver's necklaces)
View metadata
Item number: 6327
Description ID: 212846171
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Xpliers.gif giant pearl long-forgotten necklace
Equals.gif pearl diver's necklace

See Also


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