Paper towelgeist

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Paper towelgeist
Monster ID 374
Locations The Haunted Kitchen
Hit Points 22
Attack 21
Defense 18
No-Hit 14
Initiative 30
Meat None
Phylum undead
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts towel
cardboard katana
Bounty paper towel
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
paper towelgeist You're fighting a paper towelgeist

This is a roll of paper towels that appears to have been animated by a malevolent spirit. It's durable, it's absorbent, and it's coming for you!

Hit Message(s):

The paper towelgeist extends its cardboard tube out past the towels and bonks you on the foot with it. Argh!

The paper towelgeist repeatedly bounces up and down on your head. You'd think that wouldn't hurt too much, but you'd be wrong. Ouch!

Critical Hit Message:

The paper towelgeist wraps you up like a mummy, and squeezes you like a boa constrictor. Which is to say it wraps you up like a mummy wraps things up, and squeezes you like somebody would squeeze a boa constrictor. Anyway, it hurts. Ooh!

Miss Message(s):

The paper towelgeist tries to impale you with its cardboard tube, but you deftly sidestep.

The paper towelgeist bounces up and down on your head, but it's not brawny enough to do any real damage.

Fumble Message:

The paper towelgeist rears back and prepares to charge at you, but it ends up getting caught on a spicerack and unrolling itself most of the way. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Cbkatana.gifYou acquire an item: cardboard katana (5.1% chance)*
Tatpaper.gifYou acquire a bounty item: paper towel
(X of 8 found)
You gain 1 <substat>.

Occurs at The Haunted Kitchen.


  • The miss message commenting on the towelgeist's brawn, or lack thereof, is a reference to the paper towel brand Brawny.
  • The "You'd think so..." message could be a reference to the webcomic Cyanide and Happiness, where characters frequently state, "You'd think so, but you'd be wrong."