Pantogram pants

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Frigid Revolting Eerily-glowing Lycra Shorts of the Dead Fish
Bandage-wrapped Hilarious Purple-stained Nylon Leggings With Worms In the Pockets

These pants were summoned from the pits of hell! More specifically Pants Hell, which is where pants go when they die if they were bad pants. Looking at you, acidwash jorts.

Type: pants
Power: 100
Cannot be discarded
This item will disappear at the end of the day.

See Pantagramming

(In-game plural not known - currently impossible to determine.)
View metadata
Item number: 9574
Description ID: 508365377
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

portable pantogram


  • No matter the procedurally generated name of this item, the name that counts in PvP Minis is "pantogram pants".


"9574" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.