Palm-frond whip
From TheKolWiki
If Indiana Jones were stuck on an island with a bunch of castaways, the smartest castaway would probably fashion him one of these to use as a weapon. It's light, it's green, and stings like a wet towel in a locker room, but palm fronds aren't really renowned for their durability. (In-game plural: palm-frond whips) |
4 palm fronds | |
palm-frond whip |
- The whip, whether in main hand or off-hand, will occasionally break with the following message:
- Your whip disintegrates in a puff of green dust. Stupid cheap homemade whip.
- The comment about "the smartest castaway"refers to the television program Gilligan's Island, in which The Professor, the smartest of the castaways, made a wide variety of items (including modern machines and electronic components) from palm fronds and coconut shells. This is a two-part reference, as Indiana Jones' favored weapon is a whip.
See Also
extra-large palm-frond toupee | palm-frond whip | palm-frond capris |
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