Palm-frond net

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palm-frond net
palm-frond net

The net worth of a palm frond is fairly low, but the net worth of this net is pretty high. It's made of palm fronds carefully woven together until they're strong enough to catch a fish (if fish lived in, say, the ocean instead of down in the mines) or immobilize an enemy.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 130 Meat.

Weakens enemies somewhat

(In-game plural: palm-frond nets)
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Item number: 2608
Description ID: 565318523
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Palmfrond.gif 3 palm fronds
Equals.gif palm-frond net

When Used

You throw the palm frond net at your opponent. It struggles free of it, but gets all scratched up in the process.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 8-12
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 8-12


  • Staggers your opponent 100% of the time.


  • The part of the description about the net being "strong enough to catch a fish (if fish lived in, say, the ocean instead of down in the mines)" is a reference to the VGCats webcomic, specifically this one.

See Also


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