palm-frond fan
All right! Wooooo! Palm fronds are totally awesome!
*Ahem* This is several palm fronds woven together to make a serviceable fan. It's not the best fan in all of fandom, but it'll do in a pinch. Speaking of which, don't get your fingers too close to the places where the fronds are woven together.
Type: combat / usable item Selling Price: 85 Meat.Restores 35-45 HP and MP (In-game plural: palm-frond fans) | |
When Used
You fan yourself like a Southern Belle, but then stop before you get put in a jar. It's refreshing! Too bad these fans are so cheap, though -- they just fall apart!
You take a break from the fight to fan yourself. I do declare!
- The item description includes a few puns regarding alternative meanings of the word "fan", mainly fan service and fandom.
- A "Southern Belle" who says "I do declare!" refers to Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.
- A play on words in the usage message is a reference to the title of Sylvia Plath's only novel, The Bell Jar.
See Also
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