PEEZ dispenser

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PEEZ dispenser
PEEZ dispenser

The candy in these things isn't the main draw, the collectible character-shaped dispensers are. Each one comes with a checklist so you'll know exactly how much of your disposable income you need to waste on cheap, manipulative plastic trinkets.

Your checklist currently says:

[  ] Pokëmann: Porkachu
[  ] Pokëmann: Magikrap
[  ] Pokëmann: Vegemite
[  ] Pokëmann: Vermouth
[  ] Pokëmann: Smugleaf
[  ] Pokëmann: Twitter
[  ] Pokëmann: Bloodkip
[  ] Pokëmann: Hoboking
[  ] Pokëmann: Duck
[  ] Pokëmann: Nothing
[  ] Pokëmann: Kagosan
[  ] Pokëmann: Galumpagump
[  ] Pokëmann: Shoggoth
[  ] Pokëmann: Frank
[  ] Pokëmann: Moog
[  ] Alice's Army: Alchemist
[  ] Alice's Army: Bowman
[  ] Alice's Army: Cleric
[  ] Alice's Army: Coward
[  ] Alice's Army: Dervish
[  ] Alice's Army: Guard
[  ] Alice's Army: Halberder
[  ] Alice's Army: Hammerman
[  ] Alice's Army: Horseman
[  ] Alice's Army: Lanceman
[  ] Alice's Army: Mad Bomber
[  ] Alice's Army: Martyr
[  ] Alice's Army: Sniper
[  ] Alice's Army: Ninja
[  ] Alice's Army: Nurse
[  ] Alice's Army: Page
[  ] Alice's Army: Shieldmaiden
[  ] Alice's Army: Spearsman
[  ] Alice's Army: Swordsman
[  ] Alice's Army: Wallman
[  ] Peanut
[  ] Peanut (Gold Variant)

(You have collected X/37)

Type: potion
Selling Price: 15 Meat.
Effect: Sugar Rush (5 Adventures)+20% Combat Initiative
Muscle +5%
Moxie +5%
Mysticality -10%

(In-game plural: PEEZ dispensers)
View metadata
Item number: 6836
Description ID: 168804605
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Trick or Treat!
A Hipster with a Crowbar
Your Workshed
Model Train Set with Candy Factory

When Used

  • If it is a new PEEZ:
You eat the PEEZ. It's good, but there's never enough of it.

After you're done, you check out the dispenser -- it's one you haven't seen before, <PEEZ>. You briefly consider keeping it, but then you decide that you don't want to be the kind of person who has a collection of PEEZ dispensers, so you just mark it off on your checklist and throw it away.
Hoppedup.gifYou acquire an effect: Sugar Rush
(duration: 5 Adventures)
  • If you've already seen this PEEZ:
You eat the PEEZ. It's good, but there's never enough of it.After[sic] you're done, you check out the dispenser -- it's another <PEEZ> one. Having seen it before, you toss it.
Hoppedup.gifYou acquire an effect: Sugar Rush
(duration: 5 Adventures)


  • The checklist tells you which ones you've seen and thrown away (by using), not which ones you have.
  • If you have none checked off, the (You have collected X/37) line is not shown.
  • If you have any checked, the [  ] is replaced with a [X].
  • Seeing all 37 unique dispensers qualifies you for the EEZY PEEZY trophy.
  • On average, to see all 37 dispensers, you will need to use 155 dispensers.



Slash.gif Bag of W&Ws | Box of Dweebs | Milk Studs | PEEZ dispenser | Swizzler


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